I'm studying social politics and social work at the Faculty of political science! Ah...I'm tired of writting this and can you imagine what is the reaction, when you say this sentance in one breath?
You aren't sure that someone understand you? And how many times have you been in a situation that after this spoken sentence, you have the feeling that someone is pointing a finger at you, and yet he is the one who should be ashamed of his ignorance!!! Ok, reactions are not exactly as I was expected, and almost always, in order to continue our conversation, add another sentance: " I'll be a social worker"!
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I'm a social worker! What's your excuse? |
But it's not the end of our suffering...Can you belive that after all of this, there are still people who simply do not know what "IT" means! Sometimes, I am amazed by human ignorance so musch that at that moment I'd rather just walk away! After their bold or careless questions, I'm the one who becomes confused and startled.
Noooo..., I'm not a sociologist, nor I'll work in "social", and not that I have not where to get a job!
Let forgive those who doesn't know about this profession because of the reasonable grounds, but what about the rest of them, who doesn't informed at all, either misunderstand essence of this unique profession. That is alarming! Although, it can't be surprising, since we are living in country, where superficiality increasingly gets importance!
Recently, I have found among my old stuff, lexicon-on which was written Jovana Jelenic II - 3. What I found interesting is the following...
When today's kids ask what they want to be when grow up, the least can you expect are answers like social worker, pedagogue, special education teacher, adult education teacher etc... It is foreign to them and they usually answer with socially attractive professions like doctor, teacher, singer, movie star...
But, in my lexicon, which was written exactly sixteen years ago, by handwriting that i havn't seen for years, handwriting which is completely unknown, but at the same time, mine, it was written social worker!
And here I am ... after so many years ... ready, proud and pleased!!!
I think social work choose me! :)
I think social work choose me! :)
Da znas da si u pravu koleginice! Stvarno je previse sa tim mesanjem sa sociolozima, prelazi preko glave! Narod itekako zna sta znaci biti socijalni radnik, jer ne u danasnjem svetu ne postoji porodica kojoj bar jednom u zivotu nece biti potrebna usluga socjalnog radnika! Ljudi itekako znaju kakvim stvarima se socijlni radnik bavi, jer su to stvari najintimnije, najdublje ljudske prirode, koje kako sto kaze nas nama poznati profesor,, cine bit ljudske egzistencije''. Socijalni radnik odlucuje o deci, o starima, o pravima, o supruznicima, jednostavno mnogo toga se nalazi u njegovim rukama! I sada se postavlja pitanje:,, Zasto je ljudimapotebno da u njihovoj okolini bude osoba koja poseduje toliku profesionalno-drustvenu moc?'' Nazivajuci nas sociolozima, ljudi samo pokusavaju da sakriju istinu od samih sebe, da socijalni radnik ne zakuca slucajno i na njihova vrata! NEZNANJE JE BLAGOST!
ReplyDeleteDear colleague, J like your way of thinking! Unfortunately, J have similar experience!